[CIEKAWOSTKI] The World's Most Photorealistic Vector Art ďťż
[CIEKAWOSTKI] The World's Most Photorealistic Vector Art
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[CIEKAWOSTKI] The World's Most Photorealistic Vector Art

Marek 'Kokoon' Kaczkowski - 13-08-2006 00:59
[CIEKAWOSTKI] The World's Most Photorealistic Vector Art
  (tak w ramach inspiracji do rozwijania sie w illku ;))

bylo na digg'u, przejzalem kilka artow i mi kopara siadla ;),
wiedzialem ze da sie ale... kilka mnie zaszokowalo szczegolnie HIGHSIDE
i USSA METHAWITTAYAKUL ci azjaci to maja jakas smykalke albo poprostu im
sie nudzi ;).


juz widze te cyfrowki za pare lat co beda zapisywac fotki w .ps a nie
..jpg ;D hahaha

konar - 13-08-2006 00:59

  > juz widze te cyfrowki za pare lat co beda zapisywac fotki w .ps a nie
> .jpg ;D hahaha



Magic - 13-08-2006 00:59

  Ciekawa dyskusja sie tam toczy ;)
Mi najbardziej podobaja sie dwa posty ktory zamykaja w sumie cala


"This vector art is a huge waste of time,the only skill involved is
having a steady hand and being able to pull a vector into shape.
As far as I can see is that it is no more than a software driven
version of tracing.One might as well download a photo, not trace it and
save yourself some time.
This is a craft, not an art. It's as clever as using maya , dragging
out a cube and saying you understand perspective."

no i drugi:

"his is really cool.
But lets be honest. I can only see a few examples where this would be
effecient enough to actually use.
WHY? because an advertising agency is surely not going to pay a graphic
artist 10 hours of work for something a photographer can do in 3. I
know you can interpolate to huge ass sizez, but remember 2 things:
Reason #1:
You can print a 16 mp from a canon 1ds mark 2 and hang it on a building
and nobody can tell the difference because they are all like hundreds
of feet away from it.. its only useful for like something as big as a
small wall that people can get right up to..... not too many
oppurtunities for it actually... you can have a 100 dpi print and its a
20 ft x 30 ft banner, from the street itll look crystal clear...
Reason #2:
Blow on of these up to fit a building and the gradients filling each
vertice will be very apparent it will look a little weird cause the
pigmented inks used frequently to print this size handle gradients and
solid lines differently and then there is banding...
honestly its not really efficient for the amount of time it takes...
also a professional photog knows from hundreds of hours of expirience
what angles look right and can catch the emotion of the moment , cant
really re capture that so easily... just looks robotic... doesnt sell
I will admit for 3d animation purposes the possibilities are limitless,
just look at the graphic engine on the unreal tournament game
(ut2007)thats in production right now.. thats like the cutting edge of
animation real time shadows and effects and it looks pretty real... I
can see this field growing leaps and bounds, using this technology to
make 2D is not so smart.. but interesting still.... !!!"


Marek 'Kokoon' Kaczkowski - 13-08-2006 00:59

  Magic napisał(a):
> "(...)is a huge waste of time(...)
> This is a craft, not an art.(...)"

I z tym sie zgadzam w 100% Magic. ;D
Ale trzeba przyznac ze robi wrazenie. ;]
Te arty to swojego rodzaju wybryk cos jak mandaryna (prawie grafika
rastrowa ... prawie umie spiewac).

Natomiast szczegolnie jestem zafascynowany panem Kevinem Hulsey. ;)
To co robi z pewnoscia nie jest strata czasu ani sztuka, to jest piekny
kawal techniki i znajomosci zasad izometrii. A i w 100% uzytkowy.

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