how change value spfile on oracle 10G - 12-11-2006 00:38
how change value spfile on oracle 10G
Hi Group.....
I am new in oracle and need change the spfile parameter value on v$parameter view, I Looked information and found the following: The change must be done with "Alter system".
I execute:
SQL> alter system set spfile='D:\Software\Oracle_Express\PFILES\MIENTRAS _XE_SPFILE';
nevertheless it gives back :
alter system set spfile='D:\Software\Oracle_Express\PFILES\MIENTRAS _XE_SPFILE' * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified
¿How change the famous parameter ?
Thanks in advance.....
dap - 12-11-2006 00:38 wrote: > Hi Group..... > > I am new in oracle and need change the spfile parameter value on > v$parameter view, I Looked information and found the following: > The change must be done with "Alter system". > > I execute: > > SQL> alter system set > spfile='D:\Software\Oracle_Express\PFILES\MIENTRAS _XE_SPFILE'; > > > nevertheless it gives back : > > alter system set > spfile='D:\Software\Oracle_Express\PFILES\MIENTRAS _XE_SPFILE' > * > ERROR at line 1: > ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified > > ¿How change the famous parameter ? > > Thanks in advance.....
You have to start oracle with normal pfile, then convert to spfile, or from spfile to pfile.
startup create pfile from spfile ;
or startup create spfile from spfile ; startup force ;
Usually on Linux/Unix Oracle search pfile/spfile in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs, on Windows in $ORACLE_HOME\databases (I think so).
If you have both Oracle will use spfile.
dap -- ,= ,-_-. =. ((_/)o o(\_)) `-'(. .)`-' \_/
LoLe - 12-11-2006 01:29
Uzytkownik <> napisal w wiadomosci news:1158934056.772145.81190@k70g2000cwa.googlegro Hi Group.....
I am new in oracle and need change the spfile parameter value on v$parameter view, I Looked information and found the following: The change must be done with "Alter system".
alter system set db_cache=160M scope = spfile;
change the parameter in pfile and recreate spfile using this: conn / as sysdba create spfile="patch to spfile" from pfile="patch to pfile"; shutdown immediate; startup;
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